Dear, i just want to express my gratitude to you, this website helped me with searching for a special outfit for an important occasion. The site was quick and easy to use and the dresses were absolutely georgeous!!!! i cant say I�ve been to any shop and found a dress like any i have seen on here. I would consider you to all my friends. Thank you.
I will definitely recommend this dress and website to others!
i couldn't have asked for better, ordered normal sizes rather than made to measure so need a little alteration, but this is no bother.
I received and the dress is terrific! it is unique and all the friends wanted to know where i got it! i will send some pictures. please post them so that other women could see your awesome work.
I received so many compliments people could not believe I ordered it online and that it was so well made you really cannot beat this for the price.
The bust part is very well made with extra material and a bra is optional.
I am very happy with the dress. It is well made and the beading under the bust is hand stitched beautifully. I would recommend dresses1000 to anyone.
I would just like to say thank you for my dresses they are lovely and such good quality. Also I'm very impressed with how quickly they were made and delivered.�
I would just like to say thank you for my dresses they are lovely and such good quality. Also I'm very impressed with how quickly they were made and delivered.�